Contact Activities
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Principles of play:
- Go forward
Equipment needed:
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 3 channels
- 30 meters x 20 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 5 minutes
How to play:

- 10 players per channel, starting with 3 nominated defenders in a line in the middle of the channel
- The other 7 players line up along one edge of the channel as attackers
- On the coach’s call, the attackers try to run past the defenders to reach the opposite edge of the channel
- The defenders attempt to touch with both hands, tag or tackle the attackers by wrapping them with both arms between his/her chest and hips but without bringing the ball carrier to ground
- Those attackers who are tackled join the defenders and, on the call of the coach or teacher, the remaining attackers try to run back to where they started
- Continue until there are only a few, or no, attackers left
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Look for space
- Dodge the defenders
For the defenders:
- Keep the head up - focus on the waist of the ball carrier
- Try to defend as one line - defend as a team
Harder (for the defenders):
- Defenders have to run and touch the sideline when they have made a tackle
Easier (for the defenders):
- Attackers must hop on one leg
Attack the Space
Principles of play:
- Go forward
- Provide support
- Create continuity
- Apply pressure
- Score points
Equipment needed:
- 6 Rugby balls
- 12 cones
Space needed:
- 6 channels
- 10 meters x 10 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 10 minutes
How to play:

- The ball carrier must run around cone D and one of the defenders could be asked to run around cone C
- 5 players to each channel
- 2 defenders and 3 attackers (one of whom has the ball) start on the middle of line A-B
- When the coach calls “Go!”, the attackers run around cone B (but the ball carrier must run around cone D) and try to score on line A-E
- The defenders run around cone A (but one could run around cone C) and try to prevent the attackers scoring by touching them with both hands, tagging them or tackling them, wrapping them with both arms between the chest and hips but
without bringing the ball carrier to ground - Coaches should encourage attackers to draw defenders wide and look to produce
gaps in the middle of the channel - Attackers will need to move around and pass quickly
- To increase pressure on either side, the coach can stagger the start of the attackers or defenders
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Two hands on the ball at all times
- Gentle passes in front of the support player
- Support players call for the ball
- Support players keep hands up, ready to receive pass
- Run wide
- Pass when a team mate is in a better position
- ‘Fix’ the defender
Harder (for the defenders):
- Defenders can make contact tackles – if players are sufficiently proficient
Easier (for the defenders):
- Allow defenders to enter the channel earlier
Move it Wide
Principles of play:
- Go forward
- Provide support
- Create continuity
- Apply pressure
- Score points
Equipment needed:
- 6 Rugby balls
- 12 cones
Space needed:
- 6 channels
- 10 meters x 10 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 10 minutes
How to play:

- 5 players to each channel
- 2 defenders and 3 attackers (one of whom has the ball) start on the middle of line A-B
- When the coach calls “Go!”, the attackers run around cone B and try to score on line A-E
- The defenders run around cone A and try to prevent the attackers scoring by touching them with both hands, tagging them or tackling them, wrapping them with both arms between their chest and hips but without bringing the ball carrier to ground
- Coaches should encourage attackers to stay close in to draw the defenders and then pass out wide to the outside player
- To increase pressure on either side, the coach can stagger the start of the attackers
or defenders
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Two hands on the ball at all times
- Gentle passes in front of the support player
- Support players call for the ball
- Support players keep hands up, ready to receive pass
- Run wide
- Pass when a team mate is in a better position
- ‘Fix’ the defender
Harder (for the defenders):
- Defenders can make contact tackles – if players are sufficiently proficient
Easier (the defenders):
- Allow defenders to enter the channel earlier
Passing and Decision Making - 6 v 4
Principles of play:
- Go forward
- Provide support
- Create continuity
- Apply pressure
- Score points
Equipment needed:
- 3 Rugby balls
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 3 channels
- 20 meters x 20 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 15 minutes
How to play:

- 10 players to each channel - four defenders and six attackers
- Start the game with a free pass at the center, ensuring that the defending team retreats 7 meters
- The attacking players must try to run past the defenders to score a try
- Defenders stop the ball carrier by either touching them with both hands on the waist,
pulling their tag or tackling them - If touched / tagged / tackled, the attacker must pass the ball backwards to a team mate
- After a successful touch / tag / tackle, the defender must stay on his/her own side of the ball (stay onside) and must not attempt to intercept or obstruct the pass
- After a few attempts, change attackers and defenders around but stick to 6 v 4
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Run forward
- Dodge the defenders
- Only pass if tackled, or if a team mate is in a better position
- Support players must stay behind the ball
- Communicate between players
For the defenders:
- Keep the head up - focus on the waist of the ball carrier
Defenders can make contact tackles but ONLY if players are proficient
Harder (for the attackers):
- If the team in possession has not scored a try after seven tackles, possession is awarded to the other team with a free pass
Easier (for the attackers):
- No pass interceptions allowed
Ruck Touch Rugby - 6 v 4
Principles of play:
- Go forward
- Provide support
- Create continuity
- Apply pressure
- Score points
Equipment needed:
- 3 Rugby balls
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 3 channels
- 30 meters x 20 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 12 minutes
How to play:

In Rugby, when a tackled player falls to the ground, a supporting player can come in and help prevent the defenders from taking the ball by standing over the tackled player. If there are 3 players involved – 2 attackers and 1 defender - it is called a ‘ruck’.
- Split the 10 players in each channel into two teams- 4 players to defend, 6 players to attack
- Start the game with a free pass at the center, ensuring that the defending team retreats 7 meters
- The attacking players must try to run past the defenders to score a try
- If 2-hands-touched / tagged / tackled, the ball carrier must not pass but must hold the ball and slide onto the ground. The ball carrier should lie parallel to the try line with the ball held at arms length away from his/her body towards his/her team mates. Another attacking player must come in and stand over the tackled player to prevent the defenders picking the ball up
- The tackler holds the ball carrier until the next attacking player takes the ball. The tackler only holds the ball carrier – he/she does not wrestle
or turn the ball carrier - After a successful tackle, the defender must stay on his/her own side of the ball (stay onside) and must not attempt to intercept or obstruct the pass
- When a tackle is made, the defending team must retreat 7 meters. Only the tackler can remain with the ball carrier
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Run forward
- Dodge the defenders
- When tackled, slide down to the ground and lie flat with the ball held toward steam mates
- Keep the body between the defenders and the ball
- The second attacker must stand in a crouched position over the tackled player to protect the ball
For the defenders:
- Keep the head up - focus on the waist of the ball carrier
- After making the tackle, stay on the feet if possible and allow the second attacker to stand over the tackled player. The defender can hold on to the second attacker
Harder (for the attackers):
- Tacklers can try to take the ball once it is placed on the ground
Easier (the attackers):
- All defenders, apart from the tackler, have to retreat 7 meters when a tackle is made
Ruck & Maul Touch Rugby - 6 v 4
Principles of play:
- Go forward
- Provide support
- Create continuity
- Apply pressure
- Score points
Equipment needed:
- 3 Rugby balls
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 3 channels
- 30 meters x 20 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 12 minutes
How to play:

- Using the skills learnt previously, attacking players can decide to set up either a ruck or a maul when tackled
- After a successful 2-hands-touch / tag / tackle, the defender must stay on his/her own side of the ball (stay onside)
- Teachers and coaches may decide to allow contested rucks
- When a successful 2-hands-touch / tag / tackle is made, or when the ball carrier stays on his/her feet when a defender attempts to tackle him/her, the attackers can decide to form a maul
- Teachers & coaches may decide:
- to allow contested mauls: the ball carrier and his/her teammates can advance the maul no more than two meters; the ball must then be passed; the defending team can resist the progression of the maul, respecting the off-side laws
- to not allow contested mauls: all the attackers and defenders touching the ball carrier must stay bounded until the ball is passed
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Run forward
- Dodge the defenders
- When tackled, keep the body between the defenders and the ball
- Support players must stay behind the ball
- After a tackle is made, decide whether to go forward to ground (ruck) or stay on the feet (maul) and wait for a supporting player to come in to help
For the defenders:
- Keep the head up - focus on the waist of the ball carrier
- Two handed touch tackle
- In a ruck, stand over the tackled player and hold the second attacker
- In a maul, hold on to the ball carrier
Harder (for the attackers):
- Tacklers can try to take the ball once it is placed on the ground in a ruck and wrestle for the ball in a maul
Easier (the attackers):
- Increase the number of attackers in the maul or ruck. But remember, the more attackers that commit to the contact area, the less that are available to use the space away from the ruck or maul
Maul Touch Rugby - 6 v 4
Principles of play:
- Go forward
- Provide support
- Create continuity
- Apply pressure
- Score points
Equipment needed:
- 3 Rugby balls
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 3 channels
- 30 meters x 20 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 12 minutes
How to play:

- Split the 10 players in each channel into two teams- 4 players to defend, 6 players to attack
- Start the game with a free pass at the center, ensuring that the defending team retreats 7 meters
- The attacking players must try to run past the defenders to score a try
- In this game, the ball carrier is not brought to ground
- When a successful 2-hands-touch / tag is made or when a defender wraps the ball carrier with both arms between his/her chest and hips the attackers must form a maul: the ball carrier must not pass but must hold the ball and another attacking player must come in and take the ball away from the tackled player
- Teachers & coaches may decide:
- to allow contested mauls: the ball carrier and his/her teammates can advance the maul no more than two meters; the ball must then be passed; the defending team can resist the progression of the maul, respecting the offside laws
- to not allow contested mauls: all the attackers and defenders touching the ball carrier must stay bounded until the ball is passed
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Run forward
- Dodge the defenders
- When tackled, stay on the feet and keep the body between the defenders and the ball
- Support players must stay behind the ball
For the defenders:
- Keep the head up - focus on the waist of the ball carrier
Harder (for the defenders):
- Tackled player and supporting player can drive forward using their legs whilst staying on their feet
Easier (the defenders):
- Defenders do not have to retreat 7 meters when a tackle is made
5 v 5 with Scrums
Principles of play:
- All six principles
Equipment needed:
- 3 Rugby balls
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 3 channels
- 30 meters x 20 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 15 minutes
How to play:

- Before playing this game, teachers and coaches should look again at the scrum techniques at:
- 10 players to each channel -split players into two teams of 5
- Start the game with a free pass at the center, ensuring that the defending team retreats 7 meters
- The attacking players must try to run past the defenders to score a try
- When there is a knock-on or forward pass, then a 3 v 3 scrum takes place. No pushing is allowed and only the side putting the ball in is allowed to win it
- Teachers and coaches may decide to allow contested rucks (offside laws must
be respected) - When a successful 2-hands-touch / tag / tackle is made, or when the ball carrier stays on his/her feet when a defender attempts to tackle him/her, the attackers can decide to form a ruck or a maul
- Teachers & coaches may decide:
- to allow contested mauls: the ball carrier and his/her teammates can advance the maul no more than two meters; the ball must then be passed; the defending team can resist the progression of the maul, respecting the offside laws
- to not allow contested mauls: all the attackers and defenders touching the ball carrier must stay bounded until the ball is passed.
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Run forward
- Dodge the defenders
- Only pass if tackled, or if a team mate is in a better position
- Support players must stay behind the ball
- Communicate between players
For the defenders:
- Keep the head up - focus on the waist of the ball carrier
Harder (for the defenders):
- Defenders make contact tackles – if players are sufficiently proficient
- Make the channel wider
Easier (the defenders):
- Make the channel narrower
7 v 7
Principles of play:
- All six principles
Equipment needed:
- 3 Rugby balls
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 2 channels
- 30 meters x 20 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 15 minutes
How to play:

- 14 players to each channel -split players into two teams of 7
- Use 3 v 3 scrums
- Use 3 person lineouts
- Free pass to restart
- 5 minutes each way
Coaching points
- Play the normal Laws of Rugby
- However, try to let the game flow by playing advantage as much as possible
- When starting, it might be better to have no pushing in the scrums
- When starting, allow the side throwing into the lineout to win the ball before the opposition can compete
- Once players are competent, allow pushing in the scrums and contesting in the lineouts
- As players become more and more confident, you may add to the numbers of players involved and also increase the size of the playing area:
- 9 v 9 (3 v 3 scrum);
- 10 v 10 (5 v 5 scrum);
- 12 v 12 (6 v 6 scrum);
- 15 v 15 (8 v 8 scrum)
Harder (for the defenders):
- Make the channel wider
Easier (the defenders):
- Make the channel narrower
5 v 5 with Lineouts
Principles of play:
- All six principles
Equipment needed:
- 3 Rugby balls
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 3 channels
- 30 meters x 20 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 15 minutes
How to play:

- Before playing this game, teachers and coaches should look again at the scrum techniques at:
- 10 players to each channel -split players into two teams of 5
- Start the game with a free pass at the center, ensuring that the defending team retreats 7 meters
- The attacking players must try to run past the defenders to score a try
- When the ball goes over the touchline, then a 2 v 2 lineout takes place. Players should not be lifted in the lineout but should jump unassisted. Pushing is not permitted
- Teachers and coaches may decide to allow contested rucks (offside laws must
be respected) - When a successful 2-hands-touch / tag / tackle is made, or when the ball carrier stays on his/her feet when a defender attempts to tackle him/her, the attackers can decide to form a ruck or a maul
- Teachers & coaches may decide:
- to allow contested mauls: the ball carrier and his/her teammates can advance the maul no more than two meters; the ball must then be passed; the defending team can resist the progression of the maul, respecting the offside laws
- to not allow contested mauls: all the attackers and defenders touching the ball carrier must stay bounded until the ball is passed.
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Run forward
- Dodge the defenders
- Only pass if tackled, or if a team mate is in a better position
- Support players must stay behind the ball
- Communicate between players
For the defenders:
- Keep the head up - focus on the waist of the ball carrier
Harder (for the defenders):
- Defenders make contact tackles – if players are sufficiently proficient
- Make the channel wider
Easier (the defenders):
- Make the channel narrower
5 v 5 with Scrums and Lineouts
Principles of play:
- All six principles
Equipment needed:
- 3 Rugby balls
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 3 channels
- 30 meters x 20 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 15 minutes
How to play:

- 10 players to each channel -split players into two teams of 5
- Start the game with a free pass at the center, ensuring that the defending team retreats 7 meters
- The attacking players must try to run past the defenders to score a try
- When there is a knock-on or forward pass, then a 3 v 3 scrum takes place. No pushing is allowed and only the side putting the ball in is allowed to win it
- When the ball goes over the touchline, then a 2 v 2 lineout takes place. Players should not be lifted in the lineout but should jump unassisted. Pushing is not permitted
- Teachers and coaches may decide to allow contested rucks (offside laws must
be respected) - When a successful 2-hands-touch / tag / tackle is made, or when the ball carrier stays on his/her feet when a defender attempts to tackle him/her, the attackers can decide to form a ruck or a maul
- Teachers & coaches may decide:
- to allow contested mauls: the ball carrier and his/her teammates can advance the maul no more than two meters; the ball must then be passed; the defending team can resist the progression of the maul, respecting the offside laws
- to not allow contested mauls: all the attackers and defenders touching the ball carrier must stay bounded until the ball is passed.
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Run forward
- Dodge the defenders
- Only pass if tackled, or if a team mate is in a better position
- Support players must stay behind the ball
- Communicate between players
For the defenders:
- Keep the head up - focus on the waist of the ball carrier
Harder (for the defenders):
- Defenders make contact tackles – if players are sufficiently proficient
- Make the channel wider
Easier (the defenders):
- Make the channel narrower
Play Rugby game with tackling
Principles of play:
- Go forward
- Provide support
- Create continuity
- Apply pressure
- Score points
Equipment needed:
- 3 Rugby balls
- 8 cones
Space needed:
- 3 channels
- 20 meters x 10 meters
Suggested time allocation:
- 12 minutes
How to play:

- 2 teams of 5 to each channel - one team will defend, one team will attack
- Start the game with a free pass at the center, ensuring that the defending team retreats 7 meters
- The attacking players must try to run past the defenders to score a try
- Defenders can tackle by either:
- Holding the ball carrier upright - ball carrier is then released to pass
- Tackling the ball carrier to the ground as shown in Rugby Ready
- If tackled by a defender, the ball carrier must pass the ball backwards to a team mate within three strides or three seconds
- After a successful tackle, the defender must retreat 5 meters and must not attempt to intercept or obstruct the pass
Coaching points
For the attackers:
- Run forward
- Dodge the defenders
- Only pass if tackled, or if a team mate is in a better position
- Support players must stay behind the ball
For the defenders:
- Keep the head up - focus on the waist of the ball carrier
Initially there may be chaos, but perseverance will ensure that players are given a taste of the game
Harder (for the attackers):
- After 3 tackles, change possession
Easier (for the attackers):
- Increase the width of the channel