Global Partners


Rugby and Sustainability

Sustainability can be explained as taking a balanced approach as to how we operate to ensure we can meet existing and future demands.

Rugby and Sustainability

Sustainability can be explained as taking a balanced approach as to how we operate to ensure we can meet existing and future demands.

It is the practice of managing existing and available resources in such a way as to ensure ongoing benefit into the future, essentially, putting in more than you take out.

Issues of economic, social and environmental sustainability have increasingly come into focus as the world faces financial risks, societal demands and ecological threats. In a sporting context, rugby is also impacted and must always identify challenges and opportunities to ensure the continued practice and enjoyment of the game in a sustainable manner. World Rugby's Sustainability Actions and Resources help tackle this challenge. 

"Sport is also an important enabler of sustainable development. We recognize the growing contribution of sport to the realization of development and peace in its promotion of tolerance and respect and the contributions it makes to the empowerment of women and of young people, individuals and communities as well as to health, education and social inclusion objectives."
UN 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development

World Rugby's role

World Rugby recognises its role and the need to collaborate with stakeholders to identify and manage available and potential resources in a sustainable way. This will ensure that decisions taken today have a positive impact not just on the game for existing players, fans and other stakeholders, but for the economy, environment and society for generations to come.

Incorporating Sustainability into World Rugby’s Vision

In collaboration with its member unions, regional associations and other stakeholders, World Rugby has successfully steered the growth and development of the global game to record levels of participation through sustainable investment driven by its flagship tournament, Rugby World Cup, Olympic inclusion and improved governance worldwide.

World Rugby wishes to innovate and inspire rugby as a sport for all through grassroots participation, community engagement, stakeholder education, resource management and targeted investment. We can do this through harnessing the sport’s character-building values - discipline, respect, integrity, passion and solidarity - to inform, excite and engage existing and potential audiences in traditional and new rugby markets to grow the game in a coordinated and sustainable approach.
