Global Partners

Actions and Policies

World Rugby Sustainability Actions

World Rugby Sustainability Actions

World Rugby continually reviews its processes and operations to further enhance its sustainability activity, identifying opportunities to reduce consumption, generate savings and invest in rugby as a tool for environmental, social and economic development. Some examples of actions across the three key sustainability areas are listed below:


  • Video conferencing facilities to reduce travel; grouped meetings to maximise events
  • Reduce/Reuse/Refuse/Replace/Recycle applied where possible e.g. signage, clothing, equipment
  • Energy-efficient workplace with cycle-to work facilities, smart lighting, water, printing, heating systems and recycling stations
  • Support for used kit and equipment collection and redistribution via SOS Kit Aid


  • Rugby for Development partnership programmes (incl. Spirit of Rugby, ChildFund Rugby) aligned with UN Sustainable Development Goals
  • Rugby for All partners including World Wheelchair RugbyInternational Gay Rugby
  • Impact Beyond programmes to engage communities and boost participation before, during and after major events
  • Requirement for event hosts to provide detail around sustainability planning and post-event reports
  • Agreements with suppliers for ethical/sustainable production
  • Sourcing of tournament volunteers locally and globally
  • Staff Community Volunteer Programme and fundraising initiatives


Be a part of the sustainable rugby team

There are many ways that the rugby family can support sustainable initiatives - players and fans attending rugby events in person or joining the action remotely can also click here to discover their own footprint and take positive steps to reduce their impact.

Foods and drinks

  • Avoid single-use products
  • Choose tap water over bottled water (if safe to do so)
  • Empty water bottles when finished
  • Re-use water bottles
  • Order seasonal food
  • Avoid consumption of red-list/endangered species
  • Look for sustainability labels e.g. FairTrade, Certified Organic
  • Reduce food waste
  • Re-use bags when shopping
  • Purchase products that are certified/labelled environmentally friendly


  • Travel light - more weight increases fuel consumption
  • Walk or cycle to training or the game
  • Use public transport where possible
  • Take the stairs instead of the lift or escalator if possible

Waste disposal

  • Limit use of packaging
  • Sort your garbage into recyclables, compost or waste
  • Do not litter


  • Re-use towels to save water and reduce use of chemicals
  • Turn off all electricity when not in the room
  • Bring your own bathroom supplies
  • Choose accommodation close to venues so you can walk or cycle
  • Accommodate more people in one room

Sports equipment

  • Donate old sports equipment to those who need it
  • Purchase sustainable and ethically produced clothing and equipment e.g. Forest Stewardship Council (FSC), Rainforest Alliance etc.

Clubs and Stadia

  • Support local community initiatives, schools outreach
  • Look at venue share/multi-user opportunities to increase efficiencies and reduce costs
  • Consider investing in updated facilities including smart lighting, rain water recycling for pitch watering/toilets
  • Install recycling facilities
  • Encourage local flora and fauna and avoid construction/activities on or near sensitive habitats/ecosystems;
  • Source local suppliers
  • Consider proximity to public transport links
  • Encourage healthy lifestyle through no-smoking venues, healthy food options, family zones etc.
  • Promote your sustainability objectives, activities and results

Discover more about Rugby, Sport and Sustainability

For further information on sustainability, sport and to see what other rugby and sporting organisations are doing, please visit:

Environmental Sustainability Plan 2030
