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World Rugby Handbook

APPENDIX 1 REGULATION 18 (c) may direct that an interpreter be present to partake in the proceedings; (d) shall be entitled to call on experts to provide specialist advice; (e) shall be entitled to be assisted by a legal advisor; (f) shall deliberate in private on their decisions. 1.8 The non-attendance of a party at a hearing and/or preliminary hearing in respect of which that party has received notice shall not prevent the matter being dealt with in their absence. 1.9 A decision of a Judicial Committee, Disciplinary Committee or Appeal Committee shall be valid if taken by at least a simple majority of the members of the Committee. No member of the Judicial, Disciplinary or Appeal Committee may abstain from any decision. Where a Committee has an even number of members and they are unable to reach a unanimous or majority decision then the Chairman of the Judicial, Disciplinary or Appeal Committee shall have a casting vote. 1.10 Any procedures, findings or decisions of Disciplinary Tribunals pursuant to disciplinary processes under these Regulations shall not be quashed or invalidated by reason only of any departure from the procedural Regulations, defect, irregularity, omission or other technicality unless such departure, defect, irregularity, omission or technicality raises a material doubt as to the reliability of the findings or decisions of these bodies or results in a miscarriage of justice. 1.11 Hearings by Disciplinary Tribunals shall, unless otherwise specified in the Regulations, ordinarily be heard in the country where the disciplinary proceedings originated or at a convenient venue nominated by World Rugby, Host Union or Tournament Organiser as appropriate. In appropriate circumstances technology may be employed to assist the process. 1.12 Hearings by Disciplinary Tribunals (save for private deliberations) may be fully audio or audio-visually recorded or by a stenographer. The record of proceedings and all papers associated with the proceedings shall be held for a suitable period by World Rugby, Union or Tournament Organiser under whose jurisdiction the hearing took place and who shall promptly make the same available to World Rugby if it requires. 1.13 In respect of any matter not provided for in this Regulation 18, Appendix 1, the appropriate body or person shall take a decision according to general principles of natural justice and fairness. Last update: 14 January, 2015 288

World Rugby Handbook
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